ZSVP – SMALL BUSINESS GRANTTender Title: Small Business GrantTender No: 2032.4.8 (ZSVP/RFQ/31/2022) Location: Mousl (Hawy Alkanisa, HawyAljosiq, Alsalamya Village)Tender Package Available from: 2022-03-24Deadline for Offer Submission: 2022-04-3 at 10:00am (Iraqi Time)ZSVP NGO.Small Business GrantDATE: 24 /03/2022Deadline: 10:00 am, 3rd April 2022Reference: 2032.4.8 (ZSVP/RFQ/31/2022) ZSVP (Zakho Small Villages Projects) as a local NGO, Non-profit established in 1991, is interested on community development to promote the ability of vulnerable groups of rural communities and help them for fair sustainable life.You can find all information in the attachment.If you have any question you can contact us.Scanned bids to be submitted via e-mail: tender@zsvp.org (make sure to sign and stamp the bid)or delivered (in a sealed envelope) to the following address: ZSVP Office/Iraq -Duhok-Ashti-Shinak StreetOrMousl Office /Iraq -Mousl-Alandalus-Aljamia street Please acknowledge receipt of this enquiry and indicate your interest to bid.Thank you and regardsTender’s Files Add